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Following books are meant to give you different tastes of leadership. Most of these books have been best-sellers over the years and have been recommended by leadership gurus. 

 Leadership 101
Author: John C. Maxwell 
ISBN: 13: 9780785264194


Summary: John C. Maxwell defines leadership as influence and explains that we all influence others. The question, he brings up, is not whether or not you influence others but HOW. Then, he describes ways to effectively influence others, and thus how to become an effective leader.

Books on Leadership 

The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell
Author: Oren Harari
ISBN: 9780071388597


Summary: A unique perspective on the role of the leader comes from Oren Harari, a professor of management from the University of San Francisco and an expert on transformational leadership. In The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell, Harari offers leadership solutions from a four-star general considered by many to be one of the world's most effective, bottom-line leaders


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The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership
Author: Steve Farber
ISBN: 9780793185689


Summary: This book is about a down and out Leadership coach meets a mysterious man named Edg. The two of them happen to start talking about Leadership, and what it means. Throughout the book, Edg explains what extreme leadership is and the definition of LEAP.

Good To Great 
Author: Jim Collins 
ISBN: 9780712676090


Summary: Good is the enemy of Great.Great companies become great by staying focused: focused on their products, their customers and their businesses.They aspire to higher levels of excellence, are never content to become complacent and are passionate about their products.They have leadership that is not ego-driven, and have organizational cultures that embrace constant change.


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Leading Change
Author: John P.Kotter
ISBN: 0875847471


Summary: The author examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to overcome the obstacles and carry out the firm's agenda: establishing a greater sense of urgency, creating the guiding coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering others to act, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing even more change, and institutionalizing new approaches in the future.


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Who Moved My Cheese? 
Author: Spencer Johnson, M.D.
ISBN: 9780399144462


Summary: With Who Moved My Cheese? Dr. Spencer Johnson realizes the need for finding the language and tools to deal with change--an issue that makes all of us nervous and uncomfortable.Most people are fearful of change because they don't believe they have any control over how or when it happens to them. Since change happens either to the individual or by the individual, Spencer Johnson shows us that what matters most is the attitude we have about change.


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